Hello. I am trying to add some custom ligatures to a font using a feature file. Everything works just fine, until I try what is called a chained contextual substitution, i.e. a GSUB lookup of type 6. I am studying the specs from http://www.adobe.com/devnet/opentype/afdko/topic_feature_file_syntax.html#5.... A simple example.fea that does not work for me is: languagesystem dflt dflt; lookup FOOBAR { sub B by Q ; } FOOBAR; feature foba { sub [A] B' lookup FOOBAR; } foba ; I'd expect it to replace B with Q only when preceeded by A. The same rule expressed with a lookup of type 8 works just fine: languagesystem dflt dflt; feature foba { sub [A] B' by Q; } foba ; Ultimately I would need to use multiple inline lookups, something like sub [A]' B' lookup FOO C' lookup BAR; Are inline lookups unsupported by the engine? That would seem strange to me. I'm probably missing some point, but I'm unable to find more documentation. Am I using the wrong syntax? Thanks to anyone who can shed some light.