Jürgen Hanneder via ntg-context schrieb am 08.08.2024 um 13:07:
The text below works, thanks for the help!
But there is one more problem.
I could not find an elegant method to set the language of the document to English without disabling Nagari. If one adds \setupbodyfont[minion] the Nagari parts disappear.
The normal scenario would be a document in English with Sanskrit as a secondary language, to one switches with a command that changes font, language and activates the transliteration mechanism.
You can put all settings (fonts, transliteration etc.) you need for your sanskrit texts in a setups blocks and apply the block to a language. When you use now the \language command (or environment) all settings are now applied to the content. Below is a untested example. \definefontfamily [nagari] [rm] [adishila] [features=devanagari-one] \usetransliteration[indic] \definetransliteration [MyDeva] [lang=sa, vector={iast to deva}] \startsetups [sanskrit] \settransliteration[MyDeva] \switchtobodyfont[nagari] \stopsetups \setuplanguage [sa] [setups=sanskrit] \starttext \subject{Some notes on Printing Sanskrit with lmtx} \language[sa]{योग} -- That is the word Yoga, input and, when you compile this document, printed in (Deva)Nagari script. \stoptext Wolfgang