2007/5/24, Zhichu Chen
I love chess games, especially one kind of them which is generally called Go.
I know there is some file can store each details in one game: http://www.red-bean.com/sgf/
AFAIK, there is no module available to draw chess in ConTeXt now. I wanna do this by using MetaPost and fieldstack. But I don't know how to tell metapost the details of the sgf file. Can anyone give me a suggestion?
BTW, I don't like the name. It's invented by acient Chinese and it's called Weiqi. I think we can call it Siege Chess in English.
-- Best Regards Chen
Hi Chen, if you mean Go take a look at the following page: http://match.stanford.edu/bump/go.html There are also two packages on CTAN for LaTeX: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/bytopic.html#gamesgo Wolfgang