did you play with
\definecharacterkerning [extrakerning] [factor=0.125,features=whatever]
\starttext \setcharacterkerning[extrakerning] effe fietsen \stoptext
Great! Thanks! This now works: \definefontfeature[frac][frac=yes] \definefontfeature[klig][keepligatures=auto] \definecharacterkerning[narrow][factor=-.02,features=klig] \definecharacterkerning[wide][factor=.02,features=klig] \def\Narrow#1{\dontleavehmode\bgroup\setcharacterkerning[narrow]#1\egroup} \def\Wide#1{\dontleavehmode\bgroup\setcharacterkerning[wide]#1\egroup} \def\NoKerning#1{\dontleavehmode\bgroup\resetcharacterkerning #1\egroup} \starttext \feature[+][frac]% Some ligatures: float, finance, affine; a fraction: 1/4. \blank Modified kerning: \Narrow{Some ligatures: float, finance, affine; a fraction: 1/4.} \Wide{Some ligatures: float, finance, affine; a fraction: 1/4.} \stoptext BTW, back to the automatic insertion of tags, how can i create children elements? In other words, how should i rewrite new_dk_element? The problem is this: - you have an element t and t.dt = { "float, finance, affine, affluent" } - t.dt should become = { DK1, "oat", DK2, "nance, a", DK3, "ne, a", DK4, "uent" } - where DK1 ... DK4 are children elements of t with tg="dk" and dt respectively equal to { "fl" }, { "fi" }, { "ffi" }, { "ffl" } My new_dk_element function should create such DKn elements, but they are not created right, because they look ignored by \xmlflush.
\startbuffer[test] <text> <p>Some ligatures: float, finance, affine, affluent.</p> <p>Modified kerning:</p> <p class="narrow">Some ligatures: float, finance, affine, affluent.</p> <p class="wide">Some ligatures: float, finance, affine, affluent.</p> </text> \stopbuffer
\startluacode local function new_dk_element( parent, text ) return { tag = "dk", ns = "", rn = "", dt = { text }, at = {}, command = "xml:dk", __p__ = parent } --[[ local t = xml.toxml( "<dk>" .. text .. "</dk>" ) t.__p__ = parent return t ]]-- end
local append = table.insert local function saveLigaturesFromKerning( t ) if t and t.dt then local dt = t.dt local t_copy = {} for k,v in pairs( t ) do if k ~= "dt" then t_copy[ k ] = v end end local new_dt = {} local i local child local b, e for i = 1, #dt, 1 do child = dt[ i ] if type( child ) == "string" then local s = child repeat b, e = string.find( s, "f?f[il]" ) if b then if b > 1 then append( new_dt, string.sub( s, 1, b - 1 ) ) end append( new_dt, new_dk_element( t, string.sub( s, b, e ) ) ) -- append( new_dt, "[" .. string.sub( s, b, e ) .. "]" ) s = string.sub( s, e + 1 ) else append( new_dt, s ) end until not b else append( new_dt, child ) end end t.dt = new_dt end return t end
function xml.functions.textWithKerning( t ) local kt = saveLigaturesFromKerning( t ) lxml.flush( kt ) end \stopluacode
\definecharacterkerning[narrow][factor=-.02] \definecharacterkerning[wide][factor=.02] \def\Narrow#1{\bgroup\setcharacterkerning[narrow]#1\egroup} \def\Wide#1{\bgroup\setcharacterkerning[wide]#1\egroup} \def\NoKerning#1{\bgroup\resetcharacterkerning #1\egroup}
\startxmlsetups xml:test \xmlsetsetup{#1}{text|p|dk}{xml:*} \xmlsetsetup{#1}{{p.narrow}}{xml:p:narrow} \xmlsetsetup{#1}{{p.wide}}{xml:p:wide} \stopxmlsetups
\startxmlsetups xml:text \xmlflush{#1} \stopxmlsetups
\startxmlsetups xml:p \xmlflush{#1}\par \stopxmlsetups
\startxmlsetups xml:p:narrow \Narrow{\xmlfunction{#1}{textWithKerning}}\par \stopxmlsetups
\startxmlsetups xml:p:wide \Wide{\xmlfunction{#1}{textWithKerning}}\par \stopxmlsetups
\startxmlsetups xml:dk \NoKerning{\red\xmlflush{#1}} \stopxmlsetups
\starttext \xmlprocessbuffer{xml:test}{test}{} \stoptext