24 Sep
24 Sep
10:45 a.m.
Is it impossible? Is this a real question?
No ;) But the real should be '... for newbie' :) [cut] Thank you very much. I did it in this way: \defineframedtext[Frame][width=broad,bodyfont=9pt,align=right] %but align is a little strange = see new post Aligment? \def\Command#1#2 {\setuptyping[before=\startFrame,after=\stopFrame] \setupTABLE[frame=off]\bTABLE\bTR\bTD[width=.2\textwidth,align=left] %align again \bfx #2\eTD\bTD \typebuffer[#1] \eTD\eTR\eTABLE \setuptyping[before=,after=]} And now it is what I want ;) Probably there is another way to do this but I'm in ConTeXt since 1-2 months ;) -- Best regards Martin