Hello mostly Czech ConTeXters, I have noticed in the modules.pdf that there are some Czech slot empty in the lang-sla.tex. Most of them are filled up now. All changes are marked by 'new' comment. Main changes: - redefinition of 'dashes' (pomlcek) \c!leftsentence=\thickglue--\thickglue\penalty-20, \c!rightsentence=\thickglue--\thickglue\penalty-20, \c!leftsubsentence=~---~\penalty-20, \c!rightsubsentence=~---~\penalty-20, (intends were: endash size preferable, short stretchable/shrinkable spaces around, line break possible after dash but not before; it conforms Czech typographical rules) It needs some new definitions to core-spa.tex (Hans ??): \unexpanded\def\textormathglue#1#2#3{% {\dimen0=#1\hspaceamount\empty{#3}% \skip0=0pt plus.5\dimen0 minus.3\dimen0 \ifmmode\mskip#1#2% \else\kern#1\hspaceamount\empty{#3}\hskip\skip0\fi\relax}% } \def\thinglue {\textormathglue+\thinmuskip 1} \def\medglue {\textormathglue+\medmuskip 2} \def\thickglue {\textormathglue+\thickmuskip3} - definition of day names - most of empty slot added (Zkratky, Sekce, Subsekce, viz, ...) The file is attached. Suggestions are welcomed. Vit ======================================================= Ing. Vít Zýka, Ph.D. TYPOkvítek database publishing databazove publikovani data maintaining and typesetting in typographic quality priprava dat a jejich sazba v typograficke kvalite tel.: (+420) 777 198 189 www: http://typokvitek.com =======================================================