Goodevening all, The examples in the 'natural tables' manual are nice [although I keep wondering why you would {\em ever} need some specimina], but what I'm looking I'm not able to fabricate. What I want is one line with words like invoice: date: etcetera, and the following line will contain the proper data [like in Victor Eijkhouts ntg-letter]. I'm not sure tables (maybe columns?) are the solution, but this is what I've got [a portion of it] sofar. It won't work, that is: somehow I'm not able to adjust the width of the columns? Can anybody see what's wrong here? \starttekst \hbox \bgroup \ignorespaces \bTABLE \setupTABLE[column][1][width=1cm] \setupTABLE[column][2][width=2cm] \setupTABLE[column][3][width=3cm] \setupTABLE[column][4][width=4cm] \setupTABLE[column][5][width=10cm] \bTR \bTD {\ss\bf factuur:} \eTD \bTD {\ss\bf debiteur:} \eTD \bTD {\ss\bf betreft:} \eTD \bTD {\ss\bf de dato:} \eTD \bTD {\ss\bf uw kenmerk:} \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD \getvariable{factuur}{factuurnummer} \eTD \bTD \getvariable{factuur}{debiteurnummer} \eTD \bTD \getvariable{factuur}{betreft}\eTD \bTD \getvariable{factuur}{werkdatum}\eTD \bTD \getvariable{factuur}{uwkenmerk}\eTD \eTR \eTABLE \unskip \egroup \stoptekst Furthermore this section of the Invoice-style will be followed by figures ;-], and again my question is: should I use columns or tables here? Thanks in advance, Roef Ragas