You have to change the following definition in publ-imp-default.mkvi:23. Oktober 2015 um 20:40At Wolfgang’s request, a new thread for this subject. I have cleaned up the example from the July 5 posting, but the problems are the same as shown there. In July Alan suggested that there might a bug here, but nothing has been done to address it since then. Wolfgang suggested ( that method=font is required for proper protrusion handling for quotations.
1. When \setupdelimitedtext[quotation][method=font] is present /and
//there is //no citation//in a footnote within a startquotation
block and a bibliography is produced/, compilation proceeds normally.
2. When \setupdelimitedtext[quotation][method=font] is present /and
//there is a citation//in a footnote within a startquotation block
and a bibliography is produced,/ the compilation complains of a
missing right curly. When allowed to continue to completion the
protrusion for the opening quotation marks does not match the
protrusion for similar marks not produced through \startquotation.
Citations in footnotes outside quotation blocks are not a problem.
Without a bibliography (\placelistofpublications)
When you use method=font context using a different rendering mechanism3. When \setupdelimitedtext[quotation][method=font] is present, the
[right] option of \startblockquotation is treated as text within the
quotation. This can be resolved by adding “leftmargin=” to the
\setupdelimitedtext[quotation] command (but that complicates matters
when you want other alignments). Similarly, the [left] and [middle]
options are ignored as options and appear as text.
When you use the default method context puts the quotation marks4. When “method=font” is not present, protrusion for block quotations
(\startblockquotation … \stopblockquotation) is greater than and not
aligned with other protrusion.
5. When “method=font” is not present, protrusion for non-block
quotations (\quotation{…}) is not done at all.
See 2.6. With the older bibliography system, footnotes in citations in
quotation blocks do not cause a halt in compilation.
Wolfgang7. With the older bibliography system, item 3 is still a problem, that
is, method=font appears to be inimical to the left, right, and
middle options for \startblockquotation without regard to the
bibliography system in use.