Hi John, John Culleton wrote:
I want to typeset a book with chapters and sections, but with no numbering, either on the chapter heading itself or in the TOC. I do want both chapters and sections in the TOC. I prefer the dotleader layout (alternative=c).
I fought over this also for my journal. Here is what I came up with (including some extraneous, journal-specific stuff). Note that you can use <title> and <subject> instead of <chapter> and <section>, since the former is generally unnumbered anyway: ========================== \setuphead[chapter][numberstyle=normal, style=\scb, alternative=middle, page=right, number=no, ownnumber=no, incrementnumber=yes, continue=no, header=high, text=high, footer=empty] \setuphead[section][numberstyle=normal, textstyle=\sc, continue=no, number=no, incrementnumber=no, placehead=yes, alternative=middle, before={\blank[big]}, after={\blank[medium]}] \setupcombinedlist[content][alternative=c] \starttext \noheaderandfooterlines \placecontent \chapter{First} \section{first} \chapter{Second} \section{second} \chapter{Third} \section{third} \stoptext ======================= You can look at some samples of what ConTeXt can to with a toc here: http://gsp-online.org/journals/journaldocs/shi/vol1no1.pdf Some more samples can be found from here: http://gsp-online.org/journals/shi.htm Best wishes Idris