It has a much better structure indeed. Missing the wiki-only search feature though. Placing the texshow-web and mail archive links in a more relevant section, instead of hidden in the wiki's left column, would be welcome - especially for newbies. Also, when a newbie reads "texshow-web" (s)he doesn't have a clue what that means. It's geek talk. Better say something like "ConTeXt commands directory" or something else that's meaningful, relevant and useful for them. Samewise: - live context - download - download area All these don't mean a thing to somebody who sees this page for the first time. Live ConTeXt ? What's that ? A live recording of a band named ConTeXt ? (joking ;O) Download and download area? What's the difference ? As a newbie I don't want to have waste my time and click on every link to find out what's behind it. Tell me from the link itself what it means, what's behind it so I can find what I'm looking for and get up to speed asap. As for the logo... Who cares ? Logo's don't enable people to figure out how to use software and be productive with it. The proof is in the pudding, not in the logo. Hope that helps. Best, Alan