Am 27.11.2008 um 21:43 schrieb Bart C. Wise:
Thanks Wolfgang.
I looked at Taco's diff file and changed the routines in syst-lua.lua. However, I followed you're lead and changed core-job.lua and it works! Yes the footnotes come out.
New problem (also happens on MkII), if there are a lot of end notes, instead of going to the next page after the first page is filled, they go to the bottom of the first page and dissappear off the bottom. The page count appears to be correct, but the notes are the second page.
Do you know if this is font dependent, I had a similiar problem with footnotes and Garamond not so long ago (also MkII and MkIV).
How to I get the footnotes (end notes) to appear on more than one page. I'm using footnote/placefootnotes combination to product the end notes.
Example!!! Wolfgang