Am 23.01.2012 um 22:47 schrieb Peter Park Nelson:
Maybe this is related to the problems with \definenote posted recently...I have played with setups but have been unable to figure this one out.
It was \setupnote and this problem is fixed.
I have a custom enumeration environment to display the names of journal authors in a paragraph format, with local footnotes for their affiliations. Since updating, it no longer works as expected; the footnote markers after author names use the document roman font instead of the sans font.
You have to use the textstyle key, the value of the style is only used when nothing is set for the headstyle or textstyle keys but textstyle already has a different value.
Also, if I use this inside a \startnarrower...\stopnarrower block, the environment extends past where it should stop, which didn't happen before.
Can you show a example. Wolfgang