On Feb 1, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Ingo Hohmann
wrote: Hi,
is it possible to define a block, where lines are automatically formatted differently? For example: first line in caps, second in bold, others normal.
Is this possible? And how? If you mean input lines, then yes. But if you mean output lines, then I don't know. It seems a well-defined task, but a hard task judging by how the line-breaking algorithm is described by Knuth. I'll leave that question to experts.
Here's a way to process the input lines. If there's a counter that counts the line number, there would be another way; but I couldn't find out that there was a counter. There may be better ways anyway.
\define\FirstLine{\let\myLine\SecondLine\sc} \define\SecondLine{\let\myLine\OtherLine\bf} \define\OtherLine{\tf} \definelines[doMyLines][command=\myLine] \def\startMyLines{\let\myLine\FirstLine\startdoMyLines} \def\stopMyLines{\stopdoMyLines} As I said that works, but while trying to understand this, I found that
On 02/03/2013 04:56 AM, Rogers, Michael K wrote: the documentation for \definelines doesn't mention the "command=" option. On the other hand it does mention "align=" and this doesn't work. Neither does \setuplines. I always get "undefined control sequence". \definelines[doFirstBoldRight][command=\myLine] \setupdoFirstBoldRight[align=flushleft] OR \definelines[doFirstBoldRight][align=flushleft,command=\myLine] gives the same error. Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance, Ingo