On Jan 4, 2009, at 11:54 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
I uploaded a new alpha.
- partial rwewrite of the open type feature processor code which is also somewhat faster now (the most recent luatex bin is slower due to redundant ff code, so eventually we might geven ain a bit more speed)
- i will finish it when i run into fonts that i can use for testing
- i need to discuss some issues with idris with respect to arabic
- we might need to add some more detailed control (dus to interpretation options of the otf stanmdard cq. specific fonts)
- i might make this an intermediate current (i still haven't finished the new structure code)
Hi Hans, I just tried the new alpha with luatex snapshot 0.31.3 on linux. My typescripts break with this message: LuaTeX error <main ctx instance>:1: attempt to call field 'install_feature' (a nil value) stack traceback: <main ctx instance>:1: in main chunk. \doinstallfontfeature ...stall_feature("#1","#2")} All best Thomas