On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Patrick Gundlach
Missing the wiki-only search feature though.
OK, you're number two. I'll think about it.
Here's why Patrick: a wiki being a source of documentation, that's where I look for next when not finding something in the paper manuals and texshow. If I don't find it there, digging deeper through the mailing archive is useful. Having everything mixed up through one google search blurb is oftentimes confusing due to the lack of structure.
Also, when a newbie reads "texshow-web" (s)he doesn't have a clue what that means.
Jano Kula suggested to rename it to "reference" or sth. like that. I'll do so.
Reference of what ?
Could you suggest some other names? I always have a hard time thinking of some.
- live context -> Try out ConTeXt online - download -> Download the ConTeXt application - download area -> Download examples, 3rd party modules, articles, MyWay reports, ...
Some other ideas... - A clearly visible (colored ?) banner or link on top of the main page saying something like "If you're new to ConTeXt, click here to get started fast..." which redirects to the main page "Getting Started section" might be useful. - http://wiki.contextgarden.net/ConTeXt_Minimals The Minimals are an attempt to provide the same functionality as the current Pragma's minimal ConTeXt distributions in the zip files. Etc... This is quite confusing for a newbie: "If I install the ConTeXt Minimals, what will I be missing what's in the Pragma's minimal distribution ?" Better might be to say something like: "In order to provide you the easiest and most current ConTeXt installation and updates, the ConTeXt Minimals are the recommended installation", or whatever else is currently most relevant. Best, Alan