Am 2020-01-11 um 19:49 schrieb Rik Kabel
: For what it is worth, here is how I address this. This lets me place epigraphs on the facing verso of a chapter, or under the section title, and set lettrines and first line treatment for chapters. I set page numbers in a separate overlay to better control the positioning. Perhaps a bit overthought, but it works for me ...
Here’s my approach. Right/left stuff and placement is good, but I get always the extra contents of the previous chapter, i.e. “Another Fancy Story” gets the subtitle/quote from “My Fancy Story”, while “My Fancy Story” doesn’t show anything. Is that why you used buffers? Since I only need two user settings (image name and quote), only one in the example, I’d like to avoid a buffer for every chapter. \startsetups FancyChapter \setupheadertexts[][][][] \doifnot{\structureuservariable{subtitle}}{}{ \doifoddpageelse {\page[left]} {\donothing} {\definedfont[SerifItalic at 16pt]\structureuservariable{subtitle}\par} \externalfigure[dummy][width=\textwidth] } \page[right] \stopsetups \setupheadertexts[][pagenumber][pagenumber][chapter] \setuphead[chapter][ page=yes, before={\directsetup{FancyChapter}}, ] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \starttext \completecontent \startchapter[title={My Normal Text}] \input knuth \stopchapter \startchapter[title={My Fancy Story}] [subtitle={\quotation{I thought that was real.}}] \input tufte \stopchapter \startchapter[title={Another Fancy Story}] [subtitle={\quotation{Never mind the bollocks.}}] \input zapf \stopchapter \startchapter[title={Another Normal Text}] \input knuth \stopchapter \stoptext Best, Hraban