I am a tex/latex veteran user who would like to start using context to test the waters on some small projects. I have a lightly enhanced texlive 2004 full installation on my fedora linux box. So I already have a version of context installed. But since I noticed some problems with mathml output, I thought it might be a good idea to get the latest and greatest from pragma. This is where things got confusing. Are there simple instructions somewhere for upgrading context for texlive in a minimally invasive way? The installation guide at http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/minstall.pdf does not seem to capture all the necessary steps for getting things working right with new versions. The sparse instructions at http://contextgarden.net/Linux_Installation leave me with a non-functioning context and a corrupted /usr/TeX/texmf tree. Am I missing something? I downloaded cont-tmf.zip (which should I choose? current? beta? alpha?) and installed it in ~/texmf. But I ran into problems with latin modern font names (ec vs. cork). So I installed the latest lm font distribution in ~/texmf (lots of manual labor). Then I found that texexec could not find my formats and kept trying to rebuild cont-en.fmt (using 2005-04-28 alpha). When I run texexec as root, this problem does not occur(!?). Checking the mailing lists, it looks like I need to patch texexec. What is the right way to do this? Currently, I am invoking scripts installed in the texlive bin directory. I have not replaced them with the updated versions in the alpha distribution. Do I need to do something like texmfstart --make and manually move each and every script? Sorry for rambling. I guess this goes with the territory when living on the bleeding edge. As you can see, I am in need of some basic guidance for getting a newish context working properly. I have spent some time looking for step-by-step instructions, but all I get is more confused. The contextgarden wiki could be updated with more complete instructions. I would be happy to help with this if I could only figure out the correct recipe.