Hallo! I tried some examples with m-database and Mojca's 'My Way' and had some problems ==========Example-1=============================================== \defineseparatedlist[NaturalTable][separator=comma,%quotechar={"}, before=\bTABLE, after=\eTABLE, first=\bTR, last=\eTR, left=\bTD, right=\eTD] \startseparatedlist[NaturalTable] Of,course ,it is! \stopseparatedlist ================================================================== This example does only work as expected if one explicitly gives quotechar. So what is the default quotechar? Can anybody explain the above behaviour? ==========Example-2=============================================== \def\Whatever#1#2#3{[#1][#2][#3]\endgraf} \defineseparatedlist[CSVX][command=\Whatever, separator={,}, % quotechar={"}, first=\bTR,last=\eTR, left=\bTD,right=\eTD, before=\bTABLE,after=\eTABLE] \startCSVX eins,"und, zwei",drei one,two,three \stopCSVX ================================================================== If I give an command (\Whatever) then the options 'first', 'last', 'left', 'right', 'before' and 'after' are ignored. That's ok, I think! But if I uncomment the quotechar option, then the options 'left' and 'right' are no longer ignored. Commenting them out or settings like 'left=' etc. are not working. What I am doing wrong here? ==========Example-3=============================================== \processquotedlist(){,}{"}\command(a=>b=>c=>d) ================================================================== Does not work for me. Can anybody give an example? '\processseplist' does not work too. There has to be an '%' in front of 'raw'!