On Dec 2, 2005, at 8:30 AM, toto@tots-ns.net wrote:
Hello list, I've got a lot of newbie questions. I'm writing a technical document with context for the first time to try it. I come from a TeX/LaTeX world.
-> How to print a tilda? I'm trying to write an URL with a tilda in it with the font \tt. \widetilda, \tilda do not output any character. Even \~{} do not print anything. And it does not seem to appear somewhere in the wiki or in the "special characters" section of the "ConTeXt an excursion" excellent document. Which encoding are you using? Try \texttilde
-> How could I do french guillemets (<< and >>)? Is it possible?
Which inputregime are you using? With \enableregime[utf], you can input them directly, or try \leftguillemot and \rightguillemot (yes, the names are moronic, but that's Adobe's fault)
-> I would like to make a glossary, ie an index with a definition for each entry. Many parts of the manual could help me but i don't really now in which direction to dig: is it a list of definition? Should I use registers?
-> I'm trying to put a metapost graphic in the margin like te example in the manual reference (page 47) using the following command: \definestartstop[important][command={\inmarge{\useMPgraphic{bang} [width=\marginwidth]}}] But (of course :) it does not work at all and put some blank pages. Any idea?
For these two, others will have to help. Best Thomas