Am 15.03.2009 um 16:15 schrieb Wei-Wei Guo:
I just finished reading the 'System_Macros'. I still don't get the meaning of '\??pb @lang@' in the following codes:
\def\lang#1% {\def\biblanguage{#1}% \ifcsname \??pb @lang@#1\endcsname \expanded{\mainlanguage[\getvalue{\??pb @lang@#1}]}% \expanded{\language[\getvalue{\??pb @lang@#1}]}% \fi \ignorespaces}
In \lang[zh], for example, '\??pb @lang@' will be expanded to \@@pblangen, will it? Is \??pb a command? Is '\??pb @lang@' a command? Why can there be a whitespace in '\??pb @lang@'?
\lang{zh} forms in the \ifcsname ... \endcsname the command \@@pp@lang@zh and looks if the commands is defined, if this is true the language is switched to chinese.
Sorry for some many questions. I'm so confused and don't know what to search in wiki, manuals, etc..
The \??bp at the begin of the macro is ConTeXt's system to create a namespace. To understand I have to go a little bit away from the above macro and will explain it on ConText's command to create key-val list. With the internal command \getparameters is used to create key-val-lists, this is done with \getparameters[mycommand][width=1cm,height=2cm,align=right] This creates the commands \mycommandwidth with the value 1cm, \mycommandheight with the value 2cm and \mycommandalign with the value right. The text in the first brace is the namespace which is used as prefix for each created command. To optimize this operation and save a little bit of TeX's register we replace 'mycommand' with '\mycommand' which expand itself \mycommand, to make this system more consystem ConTeXt use the convetion to use namespaces with two question marks and two (or more) letter like the above \??bp, you can more of this tricks in a article from Hans [1]. The space after '\??bp' and the \lang macro above is necessary because TeX thinks otherwise '@lang@' is a part of the '\??bp' command and to prevent this Taco puts the space there. As a normal user you don't want to write macros or as beginner in ConTeXT programming you don't have to care about this but it's good to know why are things done in this way to understand system macros. [1] Wolfgang