Hi all, I want to typeset poems in a special way. I want to achieve something like Capitalis quadrata which was used by the Romans in stone. See here: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalis_quadrata#/media/Datei:Capitalis_Quad... One stream of letters without spaces and interpunctation. The input files I have to use are written as usually: This is a line, that is a line, and a third line as well I want to typeset the whole poem in the Capitalis quadrata way: THISISALINETHATIS ALINEANDATHIRDLIN EASWELL The whole poem forms one block of upper case letters. No interword spacing. I guess that I can make my hands dirty with lua and write a filter that skips all interpunctation and spaces, converts the whole text to lower- or uppercase and after this use a special font with nice upper case letters. But I need a special hyphenation that hyphenates just were the line ends. Any hints how to achieve this? juh -- Autoren-Homepage: ......... http://literatur.hasecke.com Satiren & Essays: ......... http://www.sudelbuch.de Privater Blog: ............ http://www.hasecke.eu Netzliteratur-Projekt: .... http://www.generationenprojekt.de