Pablo Rodriguez schrieb am 26.09.2023 um 20:32:
On 9/26/23 12:52, gerard.degreve wrote:
Hello Pablo,
Just try to do this :
\setupitemgroup [itemize][1] [ before={\blank[.125th]}, after={\blank[.125th]}\strut] Hi Gerard,
this also works with \null, but not well with small dimensions:
\showframe\showgrid\showstruts \setuppapersize[A6] \setupitemgroup [itemize][1] [ before={\blank[quarterline]}, after={\blank[quarterline]\null}] \starttext one \startblockquote \startitemize \item a. \stopitemize \stopblockquote two \stoptext
I tend to think this might be a bug.
The \startblockquote command removes the last skip to ensure only the space which is set by the environment appears in the output. The default method to put some space before and after the environment is to use the spacebefore and spaceafter keys. %%%% begin example \setupquotation [spacebefore=line, spaceafter=line] \starttext \samplefile{knuth} \startblockquote \samplefile{knuth-gpt} \stopblockquote \samplefile{knuthmath} \stoptext %%%% end example It would interesting to know what you're trying to achieve with your combination of itemize and blockquote. Wolfgang