On 6 Nov 2011, at 09:57 , Mojca Miklavec
wrote: On Sat, Nov 5 2011 at 18:24, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
(Robert Blackstone wrote:) (source /Users/robertblackstone/context-minimal-04-11/tex/setuptex)
Change this to source?/Users/robertblackstone/context-minimal-04-11/tex/setuptex?/Users/robertblackstone/context-minimal-04-11/tex
Or even better to export PATH=/Users/robertblackstone/context-minimal-04-11/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin:$PATH context $1
And try to delete symb-uni-zapf unless you need it.
Thank you. Deleting symb-uni-zapf solved the problem. (There were at least two of these locked folders in my system, both a nuisance in this respect.) As far as the engine is concerned, both Wolfgang's and your suggested alternative engine texts work, as did the original one, in the end. Thank you both You (Mojca) also wrote: Your log implies that you are using TeX Live 2011, not TeX minimals. But later on you sent a different log. That is correct. In the first trials I inadvertently used an Engine with an error in the path name (result of migrating everything from another Mac and not checking things thoroughly) so that the minimals could not be found. Best regards, Robert Blackstone