Working on typescripts for Y&Y's LucidaBright (which are type1 fonts) for MKIV (hoping to maintain compatibilty with MKII), the following code produces all math in bold, even the first x+y. \usetypescript[luc]\setupbodyfont[luci]\starttext $x+y$ -- $\bfmath x+y$ \stoptext I studied the new manual chapter on typescripts as well as have worked in analogy with existent typescripts in the current ConTeXt base. I certainly am missing an important clue here. The relevant portions of the typescript are: \starttypescriptcollection[luci] \starttypescript [luci] \definetypeface [luci][mm][math][lucibr][default] \definetypeface [luci][mm][bfmath][lucibr][default] % removal prints nonbold math only \stoptypescript ... % typescripts for text in serif, sans etc. omitted but contain: \definefontsynonym [LucidaBright][lbr.tfm][encoding=\typescriptthree] \definefontsynonym [LucidaBright-Demi][lbd.tfm][encoding= \typescriptthree] ... \starttypescript [math] [lucibr] [name] \usemathcollection [lucibr] \definefontsynonym [MathRoman][LucidaBright] ... etc. \definebodyfont [default] [mm] [mr=MathRoman mo 1, ex=MathExtension mo 1, ... etc.] .. math font tfm definitions \stoptypescript \starttypescript [bfmath] [lucibr] [name] \usemathcollection [lucibr] \definefontsynonym [MathRomanBold] [LucidaBright-Demi] ... etc. \definebodyfont [default] [mm] [mrbf=MathRomanBold mo 1, exbf=MathExtensionBold mo 1, ... etc.] .. bold font tfm definitions \stoptypescript \stoptypescriptcollection Hans van der Meer