On 09/05/2015 10:15 PM, Mikoláš Štrajt wrote:
I am finalizing my semi-autogenerated e-book and i ran into three issues:
1) its impossible to place table of content after the content itself. It simply doesnt display without any trace in log.
Hi Mikoláš, \placecontent[criterium=previous] is the right command.
2) i am triying to use Antykwa Torunska with "\definetypeface [antykwa] [rm] [serif] [antykwa-torunska] [default] [encoding=ec]", but it complaint for misssing typescript. Is there some working way to install it? (Using minimals)
I use MkIV and this works (no typescripts involved): \definefontfamily [antykwa] [rm] [Antykwa Torunska] \definefontfamily [iwona] [rm] [Iwona] \setupbodyfont[iwona,12pt] \setuphead[section] [style=\tfc\antykwa] \setuphead[subsection] [style=\tfb\antykwa, page=yes] BTW, you define section and subsection heads in lines 24-25 and 59-60. Main typeface is defined in lines 19 and 57. Are these redefinitions intended or is it a bug? (Even if they were intended, I’d remove them for the sake of clarity.)
3) is there some trick to protect stanzas of poems against pagebreak in the middle of stanza? Or there are some usefult tips/modules when typeseting poetry in Context?
Sorry, but I don’t know how to do that. Just in case it helps, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk