Thanx Wolfgang. How easy! Can I also put subsection (subsubsection) number to the prefix too? It is possible eventually set the depth level? For example: \setupitemize[each][n,broad][prefix=yes, depthlevel=3] Thanx Jaroslav Hajtmar Example shows how occurence of the subsections reflects numbering of items. \starttext \setupitemize[each][n,broad][prefix=yes] \section{First section} \startitemize[n][stopper=)] \item aaa \item bbb \item ccc \stopitemize \subsection{First subsection} \startitemize[n][stopper=)] \item aaa \item bbb \item ccc \stopitemize \section{Second section} \startitemize[A][stopper=)] \item ddd \item eee \item fff \stopitemize \subsection{Second subsection} \startitemize[A][stopper=)] \item ddd \item eee \item fff \stopitemize \stoptext Dne 25.3.2012 10:45, Wolfgang Schuster napsal(a):
Am 25.03.2012 um 10:36 schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Hello all, can somehow insert the chapter (section, subsection, ...) number as a prefix of itemize list?
Thanx Jaroslav
Example show exactly what I mean:
\section{First section}
\startitemize \item aaa \item bbb \item ccc \stopitemize
\section{Second section}
\startitemize \item ddd \item eee \item fff \stopitemize
\section{Third section}
\startitemize \item ggg \item hhh \item iii \stopitemize
Requested result:
1. First section
1.1 aaa .......... (prefixsectionnumber.itemnumber) 1.2 bbb 1.3 ccc
2. Second section
2.1 ddd 2.2 eee 2.3 fff
3. Third section
3.1 ggg 3.2 hhh 3.3 iii
Don’t you have something challenging?
\section{First section}
\startitemize \item aaa \item bbb \item ccc \stopitemize
\section{Second section}
\startitemize \item ddd \item eee \item fff \stopitemize
\section{Third section}
\startitemize \item ggg \item hhh \item iii \stopitemize