I've been wondering ...does anyone know of any good (printed) book to learn ConTeXt?
The ConTeXt book ... it has been a bit of a Holy Grail for quite a while, and it looks like it will be some more time until it is found. The reason why there is no comprehensive book yet is not clear to me; maybe Hans' documents were too intimidating in the first place and nobody dared enhance them ;-) But it's obvious that things can only become worse over time, because on the other hand there is quite a lot of sparse documentation about various aspects of ConTeXt, and it's not straightforward to gather it all in a comprehensive and coherent way -- by the way, I wish to protest here against the oft-repeated lament "There is not enough documentation about ConTeXt" (something you hear at lot on this list): I think it's completely biased, there is a lot of documentation concerning ConTeXt and it probably covers all the subjects; the only problem is that it's scattered. Even on the wiki, it's not always straightforward to find answers to a particular question (even if the answer to that exact question is there). Maybe this would be a way to start, organizing meta-information in the wiki, starting, of course, from pages where such information has already been gathered like http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Official_ConTeXt_Documentation and http://wiki.contextgarden.net/FAQ -- and of course, this should also be discussed at the ConTeXt meeting in Bohinj, where I trust all interested parties should come ;-) Arthur