Hi folks, I have a document that is structured like this: \startfrontmatter \placecontent \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \startchapter \component whatever.tex \stopchapter \stopbodymatter What I noticed is, that when I build the PDF, open it in Sumatra PDF and check the page counter at the top, then the first page (frontmatter) is numbered 1, then the second page (1st page of the bodymatter) is numbered 1.1, the second page of the bodymatter then is numbered correctly again. How would one change the frontmatter counter to roman numbers (I, II, III etc.)? And the first page of the bodymatter to 1 instead of 1.1? For the record: within the PDF itself the numbers are printed correctly (front: no numbers, body: 1, 2, 3 etc.). This seems to be reader software related. I saw romans for frontmatter and arabics for bodymatter in other documents already, so I am sure there has to be a way of achieving this in CTX. Any ideas? Greetings, Sebastian