My question seems to raise no interest, or at least answer :)
To illustrate my problem. My publication list display "[1]", "[2]", etc.
See: http://imgur.com/wVGqNPq
But my text display [Kup03a] for example
See: http://imgur.com/TEsiynq
How can I adjust the publication list to display [Kup03a] instead of [2] ?
The numbering option does not offer "key" apparently.
Thanks in advance,
On 16 November 2016 at 11:04, Antoine Cailliau
I'm writing my thesis using ConTeXt but I'm not satisfied with the way the publication list is displayed. I'd like to display the key, in brackets, in front of every publication in the list (i.e. replace the [2] numbering in front of it by [Sha07] for example). The numbering option only offers yes, no, short and bib. I'd like a "key" option.
How can I achieve that? Any clue, example and/or suggestion is welcome,
Thanks in advance,