Hi, I'm trying to compile http://www.berenddeboer.net/tex/LaTeX2ConTeXt.tex in my FC3 box (tetex 2.0.2). But it does not work: $ texexec --interface=en --pdf --environment=screen --mode=screen LaTeX2ConTeXt ... (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/type-syn.tex) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/type-enc.tex) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/type-siz.tex) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/type-map.tex pdftex : needs map file: original-ams-cmr.map pdftex : needs map file: original-context-symbol.map pdftex : needs map file: pl0-ams-cmr.map pdftex : needs map file: original-vogel-symbol.map pdftex : needs map file: original-ams-euler.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-adobe-utopia.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-bit-charter.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-public-antp.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-public-antt.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-urw-bookman.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-urw-courier.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-urw-helvetica.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-urw-palatino.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-urw-times.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-urw-zapfchan.map pdftex : needs map file: original-youngryu-px.map pdftex : needs map file: original-youngryu-tx.map pdftex : needs map file: ec-bh-lucida.map ) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/type-spe.tex) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/type-exa.tex)) ! Font \*12ptrmtf*=utmr8t at 12.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found. <to be read again> \relax \xxdododefinefont ...tspec {#4}\newfontidentifier \let \localrelativefontsiz... \fontstrategy ...ame #1\csname #2#3#4#5\endcsname \tryingfontfalse \fi <inserted text> ...yle \fontalternative \fontsize \fi \iftryingfont \fontstr... \synchronizefont ...strategy \the \fontstrategies \relax \fi \ifskipfontchar... <argument> \getvalue {\@style@ \fontstyle } \edef \fontstyle {\fontstyle }\if... ... l.3 \setupbodyfont[ber,pos] ? I have tried with pdfetex 1.10b & 1.20b. But the same error was found. Anyone could tell me how to fix this please. Thank you in advance, PS: I have already file screen.tex in current directory when compiling.