Stuart Jansen wrote:
On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 19:08 +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Stuart Jansen wrote:
When \placelist[section][criterium=local] is used inside of \startappendices, no list is included. I don't see any error messages. I scoured the docs but found neither indication that this is the desired behavior nor any idea how to change this behavior. Any ideas?
I remember having a similar problem, that was fixed a few months ago.
\startappendices \chapter{Corge} \placelist[section][criterium=local,alternative=c] \section{Grault} \input zapf \stopappendices
works for me, so my best advice is a context upgrade. (maybe 'chapter' will work even in the old version).
How recent? I just tried it with the latest minimal, as well as and neither worked for me.
Not _that_ recent. Strange, should have worked.
'chapter' only show me the chapter, not the sections. Unfortunately, that's the exact opposite of what I'm hoping for.
oops, try 'section' then :-) Taco