Am 09.04.2013 um 12:53 schrieb Alan BRASLAU
I am having difficulties with the use of unnumbered chapters (\title) as well as the use of appendices.
http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Titles#Unnumbered_titles_in_table_of_contents gives a few recipes for the use of unnumbered titles and their inclusion in the table of contents. Unfortunately, they do not work!
\definehead [intro] [chapter] \setuphead [intro] [number=no] will increment the chapter number, as does \setuphead [title] [incrementnumber=yes,number=no]
trying "coupling=no" gives missing number errors (in the toc).
Use \placelist[chapter,intro,section,…] to flush a list with your intro heading or extend \completecontent with \intro: \definecombinedlist[content][chapter,intro,section,…] Wolfgang