On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 10:07:51 +0200
Alexander Klink
I am trying to use the Bitstream Charter as a font. Unluckily, all the umlauts fail to appear. Here is how I do it:
\definefont[bchr][bchr8t at 12pt] \starttext \bchr \"a \"o \"u \SS{} \stoptext
it works here i don't know if it helps but try to make a new format for context that includes support for german texexec --make --language=de,en en additionally you can try: %--- \mainlanguage[de] \enableregime[il1] % latin1 input encoding (Unix) \setupencoding[ec] % ec aka T1 font encoding \usetypescript[berry][ec] \definetypeface[BitstreamCharter][rm][serif][charter][default][encoding=ec] \setupbodyfont[BitstreamCharter,12pt] \starttext Das ist ein deutscher Text, überaus dumm, aber mit sämtlich benötigten Umlauten: ä,ö,ü und ß. \stoptext % --- Jens