On Thu, 4 May 2023, Hans Hagen via ntg-context wrote:
On 4/28/2023 6:08 AM, Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context wrote:
Hi all,
For a few months now, all features of tikz have not been working with LMTX. After help from Hans and a bit of trial and error, I think that figured out what was going wrong with the catcodes in m-tikz: Since the texcatcodes are different from what tikz expects, the catcodes have to be set inside \starttikzpicture (in addition to before the loading of tikz files, which was already being done).
I am attaching the working m-tikz.mkxl file.
I have tested this on my course notes, which make extensive use of simple tikz block diagrams and pgfplots graphs. Perhaps others who were having issues with tikz could test if this fixes everything and, if so, we can add this to the distribution. So, what is needed from tikz?
"graphics/pgf/base/pgf.tds.zip", "graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots.tds.zip", "graphics/pgf/contrib/circuitikz.tds.zip",
Is there more that should be installed as reasonable basic set?
I believe that these are the most popular ones.
I made a script that does fetch/installs it (and also wipes latex / plain /useless stuff afterwards including some shell etc scripts as we don't want those either - security risk etc -).
Does that mean that these will be now included as part of the lmtx install?
Not being a tikz user I have no preferences but we can add some test files to the test suite if needed.
It may be good to add some basic files (e.g., the ones that I sent to you off-list) so that we may know if these packages break again. Aditya