Hi all, I would like to ask what is the best way to achieve this: The title line of the chapter should be without the chapter number, but the chapter number should be on all subsequent pages in the header. I tried this: \setuphead [chapter] [header=empty, number=no ] \setupheadertexts[{\getmarking[chapternumber]. \getmarking[chapter]}] which makes the title of the chapter on the first page correctly without the chapter number, but then I have no chapter number on subsequent pages in the header. It looks like setting "number=no" in \setuphead definition breaks my expected behaviour of marking. So I tried: \setuphead [chapter] [header=empty, sectionnumber=no ] but id didn't work either. So I ended by: \def\MyChapterTitle#1#2{#2}% \setuphead [chapter] [header=empty, command=\MyChapterTitle, ] \setupheadertexts[{\getmarking[chapternumber]. \getmarking[chapter]}] which is working like expected, but I wonder, why I am not able to achieve the result using keywords "number" or "sectionnumber". Thanks. Pavel