Thu, Mar 26, 2020 ve 06:34:28PM +0100 Wolfgang Schuster napsal(a): # Tomas Hala schrieb am 26.03.2020 um 16:40: # >Hi all, # > # >I used the following MWE for creating the metainformation in PDF: # > # >\setupinteraction # > [title={a, b, c}, # > subtitle={a, b, c}, # > author={a, b, c}, # > keyword={a, b, c}, # >] # > # >\starttext # >blah # >\stoptext # > # >While the title, subtitle and author contain the text without any change, # >in keyword all commas has been erased. Is this the expected behaviour? # # Yes, the comma is used as separator for keywords and replaced with a # space in the metadata. # # >If yes, how could I write command inside? # # ??? # # Wolfgang I would like to have commas in metadata attribute keywords because space is confusing -- one cannot distinguish a space as a separator from a space as a part of a keyword. Tomáš