I want to have a rectangle (box) with a word in it (i.g. "Headline). And all should be rotated 90°. Below I found a solution I am quite happy with. How can I get a little bit more padding around the text in the box? You can copy the example to http://live.contextgarden.net/ - it is running: \startuseMPgraphic{rotatedHeadline} % Text "Headline" in a box which is rotated draw btex {\strut\tfd Headline} etex; % rectangle with rounded corners path p; p := llcorner currentpicture+(0mm,3mm){down}..{right}llcorner currentpicture+(3mm,0mm)-- lrcorner currentpicture+(-3mm,0mm){right}..{up}lrcorner currentpicture+(0mm,3mm)-- urcorner currentpicture+(0mm,-3mm){up}..{left}urcorner currentpicture+(-3mm,0mm)-- ulcorner currentpicture+(3mm,0mm){left}..{down}ulcorner currentpicture+(0mm,-3mm)--cycle; pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; clip currentpicture to p; draw p; currentpicture := currentpicture rotated 90; \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext \useMPgraphic{rotatedHeadline} \stoptext