On 29 Oct 2020, at 11:29, Sylvain Hubert
wrote: Hi,
sorry if this is not the best place to file a bug but I found no working bug tracker for context.
Should you not be looking for a bug tracker for firefox instead? It looks like firefox in safe mode is perhaps trying to do something with (or waiting for ?) a shell command called ‘context’, which is presumably not related to ‘our’ ConTeXt. You can test that by (temporarily) redirecting the ‘context’ command from ‘luametatex’ to ‘ls’ (but keep it at the same path), and see if the problem persists. If so, then it is the actual name giving problems, and then can you should file a firefox bug report because then it has nothing to do with ConText itself. But even if the above is not the actual issue, it still sounds like a firefox problem to me. Best wishes, Taco