Hi Tobias, Tobias Wolf wrote:
Well, thanks for the offer to have a look! cont-sys.tex doesn't yet exist. It is set to defaults. My system, as I mentioned, is teTex 3 from Debian unstable, which has a weird new map system that is working through .cfg files in /etc/texmf/updmap.d . I kept it there, so it mounts lm.map itself (is it used anyway in ConText?).
ConTeXt comes with its own map files, and that is what has your system confused: it is using teTeX's map files (for dvips) still, instead of the ones from the context distribution (for pdftex).
I followed the instructions on the Wiki, but I was fairly confused because the generic instructions and the Debian instructions being interspersed didn't make clear what really pertains to Debian. For instance, the paths are different, and have to be, right?
I think so, but I don't use Debian so am not sure. To be honest, this kind of mess was the reason why my contribution to that page begins with *forcing* the removal of the distribution-supplied teTeX. Linux packagers always seem to believe they know everything better than the original author/developer, and they generally mess up the author's documentation while at it. :-(
systems : begin file test at line 1 fonts : resetting map file list fonts : using map file: original-base fonts : using map file: ec-public-lm fonts : using map file: ec-base fonts : using map file: original-ams-base fonts : using map file: original-public-lm
So far, so good. This indicates that your cont-sys is fine.
[1.1{/usr/share/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/context/original-empty.map}{/usr/share/te xmf/fonts/map/dvips/context/original-base.map}{/usr/share/texmf/fonts/map/dvips /context/ec-public-lm.map}{/usr/share/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/context/ec-base.map }{/usr/share/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/context/original-ams-base.map}{/usr/share/t exmf/fonts/map/dvips/context/original-public-lm.map}]
And this is the error: the map file names with 'map/dvips' in the path are wrong. There are/should be files with identical names in the similar 'map/pdftex' location, and those are the ones that are should be found by pdftex, not the ones in 'map/dvips'. I assume that the 'map/dvips' ones are also intended for ConTeXt, but they are not the latest and greatest, and therefor lead to errors. In virgin teTeX, the ConTeXt distributed map files would have been found first. You can try copying all files in map/pdftex/context to map/dvips/context, and see if that will work. If not, you need to have a talk with a somebody who understands the Debian teTeX package thoroughly.
systems : end file test at line 1 system : cont-err loaded (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/cont-err.tex
User file 'cont-sys.tex' not found, 'cont-sys.rme' has been used instead. <
If you want to get rid of this message, copy the cont-sys.rme to cont-sys.tex. No need to change anything inside, just do a copy. Cheers, Taco