On Fri, 14 Jan 2011, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 14-1-2011 6:00, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
I want to include a TABLE in a flow chart, but the table is shifted by an offset. Any ideas on how to get rid of the offset
\startFLOWchart[test] \startFLOWcell \name{test} \location{1,1} \shape{action} \text {\bTABLE \bTR \bTD[width=3cm] One \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD Two \eTD \eTR \eTABLE} \stopFLOWcell \stopFLOWchart
\startTEXpage \FLOWchart[test] \stopTEXpage
for the moment use
I actually want multiple cells, so width=\hsize is not convinient.
what you observe is an offset
Thanks. \setupFLOWshapes[offset=none] gets rid of the offset.
I'll redo this module in a more mkiv-ish way
That will be great. When you look at it, can you also see if you can add the following features: * set colors of individual shapes: maybe \defineFLOWshape[important][prodedure] \startFLOWcell ... \shape{important} ... \stopFLOWcell I know about focus, but sometimes you want more than two colors. * Define different line types (start arrow, end arrow, and line style (dashed, dotted, etc)). For example, be able to have one solid line and one dashed line. * Define shapes of different sizes (even if they are in multiples of the basic width and height). And perhaps have a more ConTeXtish interface to draw flowcharts. \startFLOWchart \defineFLOWcell [one] [location={..},shape={...}, color={...}, style={...}, background={...}, backgroundcolor={...}, framecolor={...}, framethickness={...}] {text} \defineFLOWcell [two] [...]{...} \defineFLOWlinealternative[linealternative] [start=diamond,stop=arrow,style=dotted] \FLOWline[one][two] [from={t},to={-b},color=...,thickness=..., alternative=linealternative, %defined above ] \stopFLOWchart Thanks, Aditya