On Sep 11, 2006, at 7:11 PM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
You can try this:
\def\silentcite[#1]% {\bgroup \let\addthisref\gobbleoneargument \cite[#1]% \egroup}
(untested). If that does not work, it is not possible.
Taco, thanks for the suggestion. It doesn't work (still produces an entry in the bibliography), but it's not a big deal, these are very special cases, and I can edit the bbl manually in order to get them right. On a related note: all lovers of the bib module (and I know there are many of them out there) may be interested to know of two nice things. I found them out while I was switching my bibliographies to the new system. So if you use the one and only editor, emacs, you may want to try this: 1. reftex works with context! It cannot automatically determine the database it is supposed to use (I have to look into the customization again to see whether it can be taught to do so), but you can tell it explicitly about your .bib file, and then, all the usual keybindings work, you get a nice buffer where you can choose your references etc. There was a discussion a while ago on the mailing list, and my impression was it didn't work, so I was thrilled to see it did! 2. I discovered another nice little app that works within emacs. It's called ebib. It is not very good as an editor for bibtex databases, but it has a great tab-completion feature for inserting references into your files. I tweaked it a bit so it would insert the proper \cite[] and \nocite[] commands for ConTeXt, and it is the fastest and most convenient thing I've ever seen. Maybe I should say something about on the wiki? Anyway, Taco, thanks for your help, and all best Thomas