I'd like to display a cross reference, using a en-dash to separate the chapter number from the text being cross referenced. In the example below, if you look at label attached to the example caption "A Sample XML file," you'll see that it is typeset as Example~1--1 however if you look at the cross reference to the example, it is typeset as Example~1.1 how do I change the period (.) separator in the cross reference to an en-dash separator (--). ----- \defineenumeration [example] [location=serried, text=Example, before=\blank, after=\blank, way=bychapter, style=italic, separator=--] \starttext \chapter{One} \in{Example}[ex:Simple-doc] has the chapter number separated from the example number by a period, and not an en-dash. \example[ex:Simple-doc] A Sample XML file \startXML <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="simple-doc.xsl" type="text/xsl"?> \stopXML \stoptext -----