Hi all, I need help for the following situation: in a maths paper I would like to have Definitions, Lemmas, Theorems, etc, numbered in a sequential way in each section if any, the numbers being set before the header, and also to be able to refer to them through cross references. For instance, when there is indeed at least a section, in section 1, I would like to have something like 1.1 Definition. Here is the text of the definition in slanted style. … some text… 1.2 Lemma. Here is the text of the lemma in slanted style. …some text… 1.3 Theorem. Here is the text of the theorem in slanted style. …some text… 1.4 Corollary. Here is the text of the corollary in slanted style. And if there is no section at all: 1. Definition. Here is the text of the definition in slanted style. … some text… 2. Lemma. Here is the text of the lemma in slanted style. …some text… 3. Theorem. Here is the text of the theorem in slanted style. …some text… 4. Corollary. Here is the text of the corollary in slanted style. One way would be to define 4 descriptions or enumerations with \definedescription or \defineenumeration but then I don't know how to have numbers incremented in a sequential way in all these descriptions. Another issue with this approach would be that then if one wants to have for example a Conjecture or a Guess, one has to define a new description or enumeration. Has anyone run into such a situation? The example below shows what I need to do (but actually I wasn't able to add the section number as a prefix to the number…). Best regards: OK %%%% begin \newcounter\Lemmacount \setcounter\Lemmacount1 \def\Lemmanumber% {\global\increment\Lemmacount {\bf \Lemmacount.~}} \def\startLemma#1% {\blank \Lemmanumber~{\bf #1.} \start\sl} \def\stopLemma% {\blank \stop} \starttext Some text before the numbered descriptions start. \startLemma{Definition} This is the first numbered definition; it's short. \stopLemma Here some more text\dots and then a lemma: \startLemma{Lemma} This is another numbered definition. It's long enough to wrap around onto more than one line, so as to show that these can be numbered and contain as well blank lines and formulas \startformula a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \stopformula And some comment after the formula. \stopLemma And here is the remainder of the text\dots \stoptext %%%% end