Dnia Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 11:39:09AM +0200, Thomas A. Schmitz napisał(a):
On Jul 28, 2010, at 11:29 AM, John Haltiwanger wrote:
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 10:57 PM, Marcin Borkowski
I am not sure that I understood your point, but I am quite convinced that the low percentage of women in mathematics or IT is caused primarily by the simple fact that an average female brain is not well fit for this particular purpose. (Of course, we all know notable exceptions. Also note that "better/worse fit for one particular purpose" is completely unrelated to "better/worse in general".)
I'd laugh at this if it wasn't the same shit that's been going around for years in the math/IT circles. Socialization is the cause behind this, not natural differences in brain structure. If the society has decided to accept and repeat this "fact" over and over, and men will generally act as if it is true (pushing out females who make the attempt), then it will come to "appear" as true. But that doesn't make it any less BS.
No no, I've seen excellent scientific research on this question. It was in a German periodical of 1938. The article explained why women can't do math. I also gave a rigorous demonstration that Poles are genetically inferior to Germans and can only be plumbers or thieves...
But seriously: Marcin, I would recommend you stop posting on this. All you show is your complete lack of intellectual awareness. You're embarrassing yourself, and that's all.
Why? Only because I don't believe some claims I find to be highly controversial? And BTW, where's the famous freedom of speech? I do not claim that I have any research behind my opinion, but I claim that neither have you. Any experiment in social science involves so many factors that obtaining any certain results is imho nearly impossible. And I do not find anything which would mean that women are "worse" than men just because they are different. Of course, it might be the case that I am just not right, but I don't think that being not right is embarassing when you have no proofs in either direction. In other words: I cannot imagine an experiment which might prove any of us wrong on this subject, and I can see some hints which support your claim and some which support mine. Regards -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.pl)