2011/8/3 Wolfgang Schuster
I am using the following code:
\HL \NC {\bf Primair} \NC {\bf Secundair} \NC\NR \HL \NC C en C++ \NC Java \NC\NR \NC Python \NC Perl \NC\NR \NC shell-script \NC Lisp \NC\NR \NC SQL \NC HTML-4 en JavaScript \NC\NR \NC \NC PHP \NC\NR \NC \NC Pascal \NC\NR \HL \stoptabulate
But this uses only the necessary space. I would like to have the table using the width of the page and both columns having the same size. Is this possible?
I found it. I should start the table with: \starttabulate[|lw(.5\textwidth)|lw(.5\textwidth)|]
That is in this case a better solution. For one in my solution the table became to wide. (Do not know why.) -- Cecil Westerhof