On Oct 1, 2008, at 10:00 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
lesser geeks loom in s-fnt-10.tex -)
Hi Hans, the file s-fnt-10.lua needs to be added to the distribution. Best Thomas function fonts.otf.show_all() local tfmdata = fonts.tfm.id[font.current()] if tfmdata and tfmdata.shared then local otfdata = tfmdata.shared.otfdata if otfdata and otfdata.luatex then local unicodes = otfdata.luatex.unicodes tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,string.format("\\starttabulate[| l|r|c|]")) for i, name in ipairs(table.sortedkeys(unicodes)) do local unicode = unicodes[name] if unicode >= 0 then tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,string.format("\\NC %s \ \NC %s \\NC \\char%s \\NC\\NR",name,unicode,unicode)) end end tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,string.format("\\stoptabulate")) end end end function fonts.show_all() local tfmdata = fonts.tfm.id[font.current()] if tfmdata and tfmdata.shared then local chars = tfmdata.characters tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,string.format("\\starttabulate[|l|r| r|c|]")) for k, v in ipairs(table.sortedkeys(chars)) do tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,string.format("\\NC %s\\NC %s\ \NC \\char%s\\NC %s\\NC\\NR",chars[v].name or "unknown",v,v,chars[v].index)) end tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,string.format("\\stoptabulate")) end end