On 10 Mar 2020, at 16:20, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 3/10/2020 3:07 PM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hi, Never mind, I got it (starting at \loggingall output for a while). This patch to my input fixes it: \unprotect \setupfootertexts[{\tabl_ntb_next_level \getbuffer[mytable] \tabl_ntb_prev_level}] \protect
you beat me on this ... (still puzzled because nesting shoudl kind of work)
Well, they are not _really_ nested, which is the problem, of course.
I'll add this:
%D This is for the special cases where for instance a table is in a header or footer %D line and we have a split table in progress. (See mail to list from Taco.)
\unexpanded\def\bTABLEnested{\tabl_ntb_next_level\bTABLE} \unexpanded\def\eTABLEnested{\eTABLE\tabl_ntb_next_level}
That last macro should be \tabl_ntb_prev_level ;) Taco