Hi all, I started using ConteXt a while ago, on the side line I still use LaTeX (old habits die hard). When converting my CV to ConTeXt I have a weird date problem. I hope one of you can point me in the right direction. I copy the start of the document from vi (line 4 is the relevant line): \setuppapersize[A4] 2 \setuplayout[style=\ss] 3 %\setupfooter[style=] 4 \setuplanguage[nl][date={dd, -, mm, -, year}] 5 6 \setupheadertexts[CV Guus Bonnema] 7 \setupfootertexts[\currentdate][pagenumber] 8 9 %\definebodyfont[10pt][ss][tfe=lbr at 105pt] 10 Line 4 is the relevant line here. What I expect to see in the footer is a date like either 29-07-2014 or 29 july 2014, but what I get is July 29, 2014. Also the log seems to indicate language en. What can I do to get the dutch date format? Regards, Guus Bonnema.