On Thu, 12 Apr 2012 01:27:33 -0400
Aditya Mahajan
On Thu, 12 Apr 2012, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 11.04.2012 um 22:29 schrieb Alan Braslau:
\startitemize [columns] does not work in a figure caption (for example).
[I can already hear Hans saying "of course it doesn't".]
\startsimplecolumns \startitemize … \stopitemize \stopsimplecolumns
For explanations search the list archive.
and add it to the wiki :)
I've read on the mailing list how columns is a mess and that we have different mechanisms available to us. The point here is that in using item lists, one should NOT have to think or know about this at all: either item list options work or not - in that case it is a bug. My suggestion is the following: 1 - either I've read on the mailing list how columns is a mess and that we have several different mechanisms available to us. The point here is that in using item lists, one should NOT have to think or know about this AT ALL: either item list options work or they do not - that they do not always work is a bug. My suggestion is the following: \startitemize[n] \startitem either item columns be fixed (such as by using the simple column mechanism); \stopitem \startitem or the column option be removed entirely. To get the desired result, one can then explicitly include the start/stop itemized within a start/stop simplecolumns, this becoming the standard operating procedure; \stopitem \stopitemize Adding a caveat to the wiki is a sort of band-aid, not a solution. Describing the correct usage, once the desired behavior be determined, does have its place on the wiki. Alan (I thank Wolfgang, as always, for the suggestion - I will, in my usage, for now and maybe forever unless itemized columns gets fixed, forget about the column option and systematically use start/stop simplecolumns.)