Hans, the sample below hyphenates right what comes before \TexC in the paragraph. Also the contents of \TexC are hyphenated right. But hyphen is removed from standard text after the last \TexC command in the paragraph. I have just accidentally discovered it. Many thanks for your help, Pablo \startluacode function document.addfunnyhyphen(tfmdata) local underscore = utf.byte("_") local char = tfmdata.characters[underscore] tfmdata.characters[0xFE000] = { width = 0, height = 0, depth = 0, commands = { { "right", -char.width }, { "down", char.depth }, { "slot", 1, underscore }, } } end utilities.sequencers.appendaction("aftercopyingcharacters","after","document.addfunnyhyphen") \stopluacode \definefontfamily[mainface][serif][GaramondNo8] \definefontfamily[mainface][mono][Mechanica] \setupbodyfont[mainface, 14pt] \definetype [TeXcode] [option=TEX, compact=absolute, lines=hyphenated] \definehyphenationfeatures [whatever] [righthyphenchar="FE000] \setuphyphenation[method=traditional] \sethyphenationfeatures[strict] \unexpanded\def\TexC#1% {\dontleavehmode\begingroup \sethyphenationfeatures[whatever]% \normalexpanded{\TeXcode{\letterbackslash#1}}% \endgroup} \starttext \hsize\zeropoint newlargewordwithhyphen \TexC{definebodyfont} newlargewordwithnohyphen \stoptext -- http://www.ousia.tk